
We are so grateful to the local Rockland Knights of Pythias lodges who brought in a big check for our Israel Emergency Appeal.


With much appreciation, we recognize all of our board members for their leadership during this most challenging period in many of our lives. In particular, we thank the cadre who stepped in to guide our work in the early days of the Gaza conflict and who continue to inspire us, including Marcy Pressman, Dustin Hausner, Evan Karzhevsky, Greg Karzhevsky, Hillary Hazan-Glass, Eli Glieberman, Steve Gold, and Bob Silverman. Thanks to Roberta Aaronson for her guidance and leadership on Governance, Stephanie Small for her leadership on our Leadership Development Initiative, Jeff Koenig, Rob Grosser, Rivkie Finer and the entire allocations committee, and Melinda Levin for her convening role as Secretary.

We applaud and thank our local agency heads, David Kirschtel, Maria Dowling, Andrea Winograd and Dov & Shevy Oliver for their partnership and their stewardship of our vital community agencies.

We thank our partners at the synagogues represented at the Rockland Board of Rabbis, as well as our partners among schools, shuls, and camps. Organizations such as the Community Outreach Center, Agudath Israel and the Anti Defamation League as well as Hatzolah and Chaverim have become important counterparts in addressing needs in our community.

We are indebted to our local (town, village and county), state and federal law enforcement partners for their untiring devotion to securing our community and its institutions. And we are grateful to the elected officials and staff of Ramapo, Clarkstown, Orangetown, Haverstraw and Stony Point for their partnership. We appreciate the friendship of the County Executive and the County Legislature and their staff, as well as the offices of the Sheriff and the District Attorney. Our State Senators and Assembly members have taken the issue of antisemitism very seriously and we are grateful for their work, as well as the Governor and her continuing commitment to fighting the scourge of hate and antisemitism. Our Congressman and Senators have met with us, listened to us, and have advocated for our community and for Israel each in their own ways. And, of course, we are thankful for the support and trust given to us by our community of donors, to represent them in our grants, programs and vital work. We steward every dollar and look forward to your continuing support.


We are grateful.

Additional volunteer opportunities

We can accomplish all of this only with your financial support.