Read our Annual Report

As we turn the page on a new fiscal and campaign year at the Federation, we look back on accomplishments and challenges met. It’s been several years since the Jewish Federation of Rockland published an annual report, so we are proud to share our Annual Report covering 2022-2023 with you this week. You’ll find information about our programs, beneficiaries, expenditures and advocacy, as well as a glimpse of what we plan to accomplish going forward, guided by our strategic plan. You can read the report HERE

Reporting isn’t the most compelling part of being the professional face of an organization, but it is one of the most important. At your Federation we believe that transparency and accountability are vital. In this report, we describe what we’ve done and what we intend to do, sharing a snapshot of exactly where we are on the road to success and a thriving community. We hope that you find it useful, and of course, you can reach out to us if you have any questions at